After a
period of abscence,while I was gaining job (and movie) experience that did me
good,I decided to cut the break short. As a surprise for my wievers,I`ve
taken the liberty to write in English because i`ve seen that this blog has
quite a number of wiewers from the U.S.
Not only
in one,but in two languages. Let`s kick it into high gear!
Distrait (1970)
This has
been one of the funniest and most influencial movies of my childhood,that I
have watched along with my only mentor from that period (my father ,of course).
Richard plays as a man that cannot help himself BUT get into trouble because he is always with something on his
mind,but not what is always needed in
a particular situation.
He is simple minded,and with the help of this
trait, can overcomplicate the lives
of the people that come in touch with him. Of course we meet throughout this
movie other people (aka. Paul Preboist )that share about the same behaviour,but with
different degrees of „distrait-ness”.
<< That`s the
cost of being a dedicated artist ,I suppose J)
Even if you
are not a french speaker,this movie is pretty easy to watch. Think of it as a
short body language lesson,especially because the French people are very
expressive ,that like to feel and live
stuff to the fullest. And that`s what Pierre Richard is serving. He is the
nation`s very own Charlie Chaplin or Mr. Bean equivalent.
bonus point for this film are the actresses,especially the main one.
Notice that
70`s simple beauty which is rare nowadays,in the era of short pants and
dresses,and much too-generous ,wide cleaveges.
As the main
character(Pierre) begins to interact with this particular lady (Lisa)
throughout the movie,lots of unexpected things happen. You can see in this
photo that her smile is genuine,and she is giving some indication of interest
towards him
But what is
his secret recipe in attracting her?
What does he do that sparks that magnetic
attracion between them?
The answer is simple.
But still... How does he do
her for a ride into the unknown
From the previous clip you can see the situational humour,through the actor`s
clumsiness and expresive gestures. And that is what she was looking for ,even
if she didn`t realise it at first. The fact that she has been stuck in the same
job or office for years, makes her crave the temptation of having some fun alongside an interesting man.
Even those
places that have a little bit of danger involved are better than routine.
This one is a killer. Those who can practise self
irony demonstrate the fact that they can understand a joke that is directed
towards themselves and not take it personally.
Basically laughing at oneself,or
being silly,because you already know you won`t get mad at yourself,right?
Besides,it`s much more safer that making fun of someone which you don`t know much about.
3) Doing
stuff together (romantic or non-romantic)
This is ,by
far, the simplest and most efficient thing of them all. It can be loads of fun,
at a cheap price,if you put your creative brain to work ;) How simple does going for a run sound?
Or,you can
find a bench on a park and do some people-watching...
ALERT: „The Line” was in fact Pierre`s idea,as he is
a designer in the advertising-bussiness. Thus he can show what creativity can
do and impress Liza with his talent. Plus, this unique talent makes an
important difference over other potential date that suppose she could have been
having at that time.
As the movie
goes on,Pierre finds himself experiencing attraction to the woman that he
spends most of his time with .Living in the moment,he does not have the time to
think about her. Besides,he is a working man,filling his time with work-related
projects.And so,he suddenly realizes what is really going on between them.(The
downside of being too absent-minded).
But what does he really like about her
actually ?
the opposite sex,we tipically tend to
like what we do not or cannot have
ourselves. In the case of men ,we like that moment of feminine power,under
it`s curtain of vulnerability ,that the
shallow people cannot see past.
Reffering to
physics, men have more kinetic force, and women
have more potential force. Probably that was
the inspiration for the phrases „A man of ACTION”
,and „power of vulnerability”.
But what is
this „power” that i speak of,you ask
yourself ?
It`s very simple
,actually. Think about a hot woman`s car that just broke down,and signaling to
passing drivers to lend a hand. Body language mode is telling them : ”I`m a female (obviously) not acostumed with
those big,heavy engines. Could you take a look at it for me,pleeeeasee ;) ?”
And <<STOP>> they will ! Generally because men like to help
out,and be the „hero-type” Especially if there could be some sort of ransome in
the end.
Take a look.It
has been reffered over the years.Even in the dark ages .
Paolo Ucello `s depiction of Saint George and the Dragon,
circa 1470, a classic image of a damsel in distress. Source- Wikipedia.
Again , in
children`s stories that inspired Disney movies such as Tangled(starring
Rapunzel), Snow White, or Sleeping Beauty. Even in some of the stories from the
1001 Arabian Nights.
Or,maybe you
remember those old shows from Cartoon Network ,where the evil-doer ties up a young
lady,and it`s up to the hero(-es) to rescue them . Note the contrast below.
Now,back to the 21`st
Century ...
Wether they
are singing, lying,laughing,getting a little embarrased ,or just sitting there
looking pretty, women have an impressive set of expressive body language skills.At
least from a man`s overly simple point of wiew,For example:
When they give a flirty smile,they do it using
their whole body,tilting their head diagonally,checking you out from sideways,blushing
heavily, and expanding those red lips to the maximum,keeping
the legs crossed and balancing a bit,while making sure they bend those gentle curves
that we like so much ;).
When they
dance,they do it like there is no tommorow,totally
immersed in the feeling of that song-generated athmosphere.All that makes
me think why a large proportion of men cannot dance properly.
Wonder why??
Maybe because we won`t understand it ,therefore being a kind-of time-waster.
OR because dancing WILL NOT SAVE YOUR LIFE,when a predator is
chasing you.
So you`d
better have SOME MOVES LIKE JAGGER next
time,kiddo !
So you can
see, that men were „built” for something else. Just like Atlas holds the moving World on his shoulders, we were designed to be
strong. Not only phisically ,but also spiritually and mentally. The masculine
energy is compared to death, still, resistant to change (That`s why, us guys
are so stubborn sometimes. And we know better ! Always J) )
The feminine
energy is compared with the everchanging nature. It could take the form of a gentle breeze of
wind,or a devastating tornado (Fun fact: there are no male tornadoes around J)).
It might be a life giving river ,or a tsunami,ready to wipe out everything in it`s path. Or ,the sun`s rays of light cand give your necesary dose of
daily Vitamin D,or it can give you a nasty sunburn.And
the list goes on...
As people,I belive that we have a balance of energies,as the yin-yang suggests. Of course
that men have a larger percentage of masculine energy up their sleeves,and thus
women have the feminine .
must be the island that waves break upon.Hard as a stone, or a pillar that sustains
both the life-giving ,nurturing energy and it`s destructive potential at the same time. As hard is it may seem to manage those
energies ,thus keeping them at bay and making sure they don`t hurt others or themselves
in the process,we become better persons,that the woman sees she can rely upon.Even
if she doesn`t admit it, she is impressed.
It`s the same responsability as when you are a
host at a party and it`s up to you to entertain, and support your guests. But
this must be done by taking care of yourself first (ex :drinking responsably, less than everyone around you),and
keeping an eye out.
You must
understand that women are frequently in the moment. So her energy can change
very rapidly. Thus, while feeling so alive (woman-aka Mother Nature) , she
cannot foresee what might happen in the next hour or so. By knowing the person
you can predict what is she going to do,and if it will make herself,or others
suffer,it`s up to you to prevent her from doing so. Even if you `ll get plenty
of resistance ,in the end she`ll be very proud of you.
conclusion: As women need us, we
also have a need of them.
Simple. Even if we have our own way in
life (career or personal hobbies),women will inspire us,and give us energy „that created us, that connects us,that pulls us ,that
guides us,that drives us. That defines us and binds us” to the truth .(The Matrix
Reloaded Smith QUOTE. Green FTW)
Pacience and understanding are
essencial keys for living with any woman. I also like to think that
pacience is a virtue,and not everyone has it.Both of them They lead to empathy.
Even if we are different from each other ,it`s no matter. The poles will
It`s up to us to think of them as they are, and to praise them for what they are a complex
human being,that teaches us the fact that even if interactions may be difficult,the
price we have to pay is enough for the gain. And in the end it will be a WIN-WIN
this post refers to the universal language of love,in whatever form it will
appear.(EN,FR,RO or Body)
for the movie, be sure to watch it .A quick quote to think about until
you do
creative adult is the child who has survived." - Ursula K. Le Guin
night to you all.Twas a pleasure indeed.
Masculine Moviefan
(Cinefil Masculin)
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